VALDOSTA High School


Valdosta High School football is excited about the upcoming football season and has partnered with Popins to create these cutting edge holograms of the school’s student athletes. Click on the student athlete’s picture to launch their lifelike 3D Popins.

With Popins

  • Play: You can take these Popins anywhere. Put them in your room, on your desk, or by your pet. Spin them around to see them from all angles.

  • Share: Get up close and take a mixed reality picture with your favorite Popin. Share photos or videos of yourself and your friends with these student athletes, as if they were really with you. Tag us @popinsdotio

  • Coming Soon - Collect Your Favorites: Popins is partnering with some of the world’s best entertainers and athletes to offer limited edition customizable Popins. Buy a Popin of your favorite singer, comedian or athlete. Customize your edition by adding your name and profile picture. Collect your favorites. Trade with friends and other fans.

To learn more visit How To Popin.